Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ultrasound update

I had to have another ultrasound today at the hospital. At my last doctor's appointment my uterus was measuring 5 weeks too large and since I had an elevated 1 hour glucose test, my doctor wanted me to have another ultrasound to rule things out.

Fortunately everything is fine. Baby isn't too large and her water level is fine, which is a huge relief to us. The great thing is we got to see our little one again! She's measuring right on time (or as close to on time they can get). Her heart rate was excellent and she's looking very healthy! The great thing is the ultrasound tech flipped on the 4D part of the machine so we could see her in 4D! I know how lucky we are, since most people pay big bucks for these pictures and we got them free. Here's the best one. Isn't she beautiful? I think she is. :) I'm getting closer to my due date and we're getting more excited to meet our little girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. She is cute. :) How fun that you got to see her again. Glad to hear that everything is still going well.
