Our little girl made her debut Monday, October 26, 2009 at 2:12am at only 3 weeks early! She's not quite as dramatic as her older brother. She's 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long. I had a super fast labor too. Well, if I wasn't positive for Group B Strep it would have been about 4 hours shorter! Here's her story. I'll post pictures when I can.
On Sunday morning I went into Labor & Delivery for bleeding and got sent home, but labor progressed all day. By 6:30pm I could not stand the pain anymore and we fed Jack dinner and Dean drove me to the hospital. Fortunately, we live down the street, so I got to L&D by 7pm.
When I arrived they checked me and I was 4cm dilated. The triage nurse asked me if/when I wanted an epidural and I asked if I could have one right then. She said yes, BUT the anesthesiologist was in a c-section so it was going to be a little while. So, after a little while (calling my dr. and stuff) they were putting the IV in, but the nurse couldn't do it, so she got the charge nurse to do it. I was in so much pain. They were going to give me Fentinal (sp?), but the charge nurse said I acted like I was in a lot more pain, so told the nurse to check me again to make sure I wasn't more then 9cm or else I couldn't have it. This was right after I got into my room and about 8pm. I was 5cm dilated by now and they gave me the pain meds.
At 8:25pm the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. My nurse checked me at 9:00pm and I was 9cm dilated. Ok, at this point because I was positive for Group B Strep, they didn't want my labor to progress quite this fast, since they wanted the penicillin in my system for 4 hours before I delivered, otherwise I would have had her hours earlier.
Checked again at 9:45pm and I was 10cm dilated with a bulging bag. After this, no more checks since my dr. did NOT want my water broken. They were trying to get me as close to midnight as possible. My water broke itself at 11:30pm, so by midnight I started pushing. She was posterior (is that the right term for facing up?) and kept getting stuck.
By 12:45am my dr. said not to push anymore (I was getting too tired and the hospital has a "push and rest" policy, so they let you push an hour then rest and let the baby descend itself before trying to push more). By 1:45am I was back to pushing, but her heartrate was dropping to levels my dr. wasn't comfortable with. I was terrified I was getting an emergency c-section. He talked to me about the forceps and vaccum, which I wasn't comfortable with either. He emptied my bladder and got her turned facing down completey. I literally pushed again and she crowned.
So, she was born at 2:12am after pushing a couple more times to get her out. She did have to go to the transition nursery for a few hours because of her temp and heartrate (both a little high) and to get observed due to the positive Group B Strep, but then came back to me when I got in my own room. She's a great nurser too, which I'm super happy about! Everyone at the hospital said she was small for 37 weeks, but Dean and I didn't think she seemed small for that gestation, so I don't know why they said that. She seems like a normal weight to us!
She was technically full term, so that's great too (even if she was only full term for a couple hours). Well, that's her story. We're so pleased to have her here! Jack isn't quite sure what to make of her yet. Hopefully he'll get used to her soon. He did try to grab her out of my arms (I didn't let go) and she started to cry, so he immediately started pushing her away! It was funny. Like I said, he's adjusting and hopefully it won't take too long, but as of now he's not too impressed!
Busy Times
11 years ago
WOW! Crazy story. I'm glad she's here and she's safe and healthy. I hope that Jack's loving her more now. :)