Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!!

And that's exactly what it's been doing!  SNOWING!!!  I admit I like the snow when I have no where in particular to be, but seriously this is enough for now.  If it keeps going how it's been its going to be one long winter.  Hopefully I can post pictures this week.

Jack had his speech evaluation this past Tuesday.  The news is that he needs speech therapy.  Since he's just barely two she still had to use the 2-3 year old evaluation, so her diagnosis is moderate-severe speech delay, but because he's just barely two then she said it's moderate (plus for insurance purposes she put the moderate-severe).  The speech therapist wants Dean and I to teach him to sign, since he can't even communicate well with us by gesturing.  I'd taught him to sign earlier in the year, so it wasn't too difficult.  He's doing great with it and is now signing and saying what he wants.  There's a lot less whining going on over here!  He is talking some, just not the amount of words they think he should have, but he's getting there.  He's been going to church and going in the nursery, so he's been loving that too!

Soon (not sure exactly when right now) we'll be leaving for Californina for Christmas.  Seems weird we're leaving our white snowy house for the sunshine (ok, maybe that doesn't seem weird) for Christmas.  We're taking Jack and Jillian to Disneyland for the first time!  I'm so excited, although Dean is not.

If I don't get a blog post in before then, hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What a week!

What a week this past week has been and the snow hasn't helped!  :)

First, I had my finals this past week.  Just one more tomorrow and I'm done for the semester.  It was Dean's last week of classes last week and his finals are this up coming week.  Then we'll be done for the semester.  Yay!

Jack had his well child check-up this past Tuesday.  All is well.  The Dr. said he's tall and slim.  He's 36.38 inches and 27 pounds.  Also, Jack gets to go to speech therapy.  He babbles a lot, but he doesn't really say any words that we can understand and definitely doesn't say anywhere near the amount of words he should be by now.  The Dr. is just sending him so he has a head start.  He had a hearing test last week to make sure he didn't have a hearing problem (he doesn't, thank goodness) and his speech evaluation is on Tuesday afternoon.  Dean and I are hoping this helps him a lot, since we know he's getting frustrated with us, since we can't understand anything he's trying to tell us.

Jillian is just fine too.  She's growing like a weed, which is good.  She's getting older fast!  She'll be 6 weeks tomorrow!  Kind of hard to believe she's been here 6 weeks already!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Trip

We just got back on Friday from spending almost 2 weeks in California.  Unfortunately it wasn't for fun.  Dean's dad passed away, so we were there for the funeral and decided to spend Thanksgiving there as well.  After an extremely busy month (yes, Jillian is a month old already!!!) and an upcoming VERY busy week (finals, ick), hopefully we'll get some rest for the holidays.  We'll be headed back "home" for Christmas and have more fun (Disneyland on Nana's birthday which is Christmas Eve, then Christmas!) and of course our classes will be over, so Dean and I won't be stressing out over homework, tests, etc. until next semester. 

Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Me & Jillian

Jillian, Katrina, Jack & Kaylie

Jack, Me & Jillian

Jack & Jillian

Jack on his 2nd birthday

Jillian at Jack's birthday party

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Welcome Jillian Brigitte!

Our little girl made her debut Monday, October 26, 2009 at 2:12am at only 3 weeks early!  She's not quite as dramatic as her older brother.  She's 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long.  I had a super fast labor too.  Well, if I wasn't positive for Group B Strep it would have been about 4 hours shorter!  Here's her story.  I'll post pictures when I can.

On Sunday morning I went into Labor & Delivery for bleeding and got sent home, but labor progressed all day. By 6:30pm I could not stand the pain anymore and we fed Jack dinner and Dean drove me to the hospital. Fortunately, we live down the street, so I got to L&D by 7pm.

When I arrived they checked me and I was 4cm dilated. The triage nurse asked me if/when I wanted an epidural and I asked if I could have one right then. She said yes, BUT the anesthesiologist was in a c-section so it was going to be a little while. So, after a little while (calling my dr. and stuff) they were putting the IV in, but the nurse couldn't do it, so she got the charge nurse to do it. I was in so much pain. They were going to give me Fentinal (sp?), but the charge nurse said I acted like I was in a lot more pain, so told the nurse to check me again to make sure I wasn't more then 9cm or else I couldn't have it. This was right after I got into my room and about 8pm. I was 5cm dilated by now and they gave me the pain meds.

At 8:25pm the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural.  My nurse checked me at 9:00pm and I was 9cm dilated. Ok, at this point because I was positive for Group B Strep, they didn't want my labor to progress quite this fast, since they wanted the penicillin in my system for 4 hours before I delivered, otherwise I would have had her hours earlier.

Checked again at 9:45pm and I was 10cm dilated with a bulging bag. After this, no more checks since my dr. did NOT want my water broken. They were trying to get me as close to midnight as possible. My water broke itself at 11:30pm, so by midnight I started pushing. She was posterior (is that the right term for facing up?) and kept getting stuck.

By 12:45am my dr. said not to push anymore (I was getting too tired and the hospital has a "push and rest" policy, so they let you push an hour then rest and let the baby descend itself before trying to push more). By 1:45am I was back to pushing, but her heartrate was dropping to levels my dr. wasn't comfortable with. I was terrified I was getting an emergency c-section. He talked to me about the forceps and vaccum, which I wasn't comfortable with either. He emptied my bladder and got her turned facing down completey. I literally pushed again and she crowned.

So, she was born at 2:12am after pushing a couple more times to get her out. She did have to go to the transition nursery for a few hours because of her temp and heartrate (both a little high) and to get observed due to the positive Group B Strep, but then came back to me when I got in my own room. She's a great nurser too, which I'm super happy about! Everyone at the hospital said she was small for 37 weeks, but Dean and I didn't think she seemed small for that gestation, so I don't know why they said that. She seems like a normal weight to us! 

She was technically full term, so that's great too (even if she was only full term for a couple hours).  Well, that's her story.  We're so pleased to have her here!  Jack isn't quite sure what to make of her yet.  Hopefully he'll get used to her soon.  He did try to grab her out of my arms (I didn't let go) and she started to cry, so he immediately started pushing her away!  It was funny.  Like I said, he's adjusting and hopefully it won't take too long, but as of now he's not too impressed!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pictures as promised - Jack's haircut

And you didn't have to wait for months for me to post them!  I know everyone was just DYING to see them!  Ha ha ha!!!  The order is backwards, sorry.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

We've Been Busy!! Updates

We've been busy the last week!

Last weekend Dean and I decided to go to Salt Lake and we took Jack to Liberty Park.  For those that don't know what it is, it's a really nice park in downtown Salt Lake City (ok, maybe not downtown SLC?).  I'd been there a couple times for work functions when I worked at the State Office of Education, but I'd never been on the other side of the park!  Let's just say we had to pry Jack away from the creek in the middle (don't worry Dad, it wasn't a real creek, but it looks like it was purposely built there for kids to play in, and it was shallow!)  He had a blast!  I took pictures on my phone, now I just have to figure out how to get them off and I'll post them.

Last week was super busy for me.  I had a doctor's appointment on Monday.  I finally gained a few pounds, which is ok.  Baby is fine, everything is fine.  I did, however ask my doctor if I'll deliver early again (actually at my appointment I was 32 weeks, so I specifically asked if I'll deliver in 2 weeks) and he said nothing points to that (although, it didn't with Jack either, so...).  I go back a week from tomorrow, and I'll be the same gestation I was the day I had Jack.  I'm sure I'll make that appointment and that day I'll be very happy!  Of course a healthy baby is all that matters, but a full term one sure would be nice too!  (I don't know, maybe I'm pushing it?)

I also had 4 tests this last week (and I only have 3 classes, so I had a test and a quiz in one class).  I take my last test tomorrow, which I'm NOT looking forward to.  The other 3 tests I took I got all A's, so I'm fairly happy.  I really wanted a 100% on the 2 I didn't get 100% on, so I'm not really happy.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I have high standards.

Jack got a haircut today!  Dean gave him his second haircut and it looks pretty good considering Dean has never cut anyone's hair before (he's shaved his own head, but that's it).  He used scissors and everything!  It almost looks better than his first haircut!  And considering Jack would not sit still, Dean did a fabulous job.  Dean survived the ordeal, but Jack barely did.  (kidding)  Poor kid did throw up twice afterwards from gagging himself trying to get the hair out of his mouth.  Not fun, since once was all over me.  :(  I'll post pics later. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ultrasound update

I had to have another ultrasound today at the hospital. At my last doctor's appointment my uterus was measuring 5 weeks too large and since I had an elevated 1 hour glucose test, my doctor wanted me to have another ultrasound to rule things out.

Fortunately everything is fine. Baby isn't too large and her water level is fine, which is a huge relief to us. The great thing is we got to see our little one again! She's measuring right on time (or as close to on time they can get). Her heart rate was excellent and she's looking very healthy! The great thing is the ultrasound tech flipped on the 4D part of the machine so we could see her in 4D! I know how lucky we are, since most people pay big bucks for these pictures and we got them free. Here's the best one. Isn't she beautiful? I think she is. :) I'm getting closer to my due date and we're getting more excited to meet our little girl!!!

Baby Shower

We were in California this past weekend for my baby shower. We had such a great time! Here are a few pictures. Please keep in mind it was really hot and I look dorky in most of the pictures.

A scrapbook my aunt made for her.
One of the very cute dresses she got!!!

More cute stuff

Jack and his cousin Sierra

And in case you missed it in the first picture, her name announcement...